Earth" planet named HD 20794 d, located 20 light-years away, which could have conditions suitable for life.
Earth’ planet has shown many of the key factors to supporting life as we know it, according to Professor Luke O’Neill.
The recent Helldivers 2 bug made Arrowhead take down Galactic War for 24 hours. But Super Earth's high command insists that ...
Judgement Day is the single greatest Hollywood blockbuster of all time. I don't care about box office receipts or any other criteria other than the fact that this is the most beautifully-paced and ...
Helldivers 2 has gone a little quiet since the end-of-year blowout that saw the game's third enemy faction, The Illuminate, ...
Arrowhead Game Studios' CEO Shams Jorjani wants a total armour rework for Helldivers 2 in a game-changing update.
Earth 6 times Earth’s mass, in the habitable zone just 20 light-years away. A prime candidate for alien life studies!
The Exosuits of Helldivers 2 are powerful machines of destruction, but they can be improved further by taking inspiration ...
The newest Major Order asks Helldivers to defend one of two precious resources from those damned Automatons: either the MD-8 Gas Mines, which sound like they could be really handy on the battlefield, ...
When Helldivers 2 launched its Killzone crossover, the community’s initial reaction wasn’t exactly a victory for democracy.