The diocesan youth ministry office hosted its annual Youth and Campus Ministry Appreciation Dinner at St. Joseph Church in ...
Our Lady of La Vang Mission is a Vietnamese Catholic community named after the apparition of Mary to a group of Catholics at ...
In the financial sector as well, year-end reports, budget reconciliations and reporting deadlines loom large as December ...
World War II may be a far-off event in history for some. For Kay Martin Britto, 88, the war forever changed the fabric of her ...
Leo Alonso, CEO of Porto Charities, visited the diocesan chancery building Nov. 26 to present a $6,000 contribution on behalf ...
Local author Stephen Gabriel has written a new book of advice for retirement living, inspired by counsel St. John Paul II ...
Fine art wasn’t part of James Erickson’s life growing up in a trailer park on the outskirts of Detroit. His only exposure to art came when he took trips to ...
Let’s talk about love. Specifically, let’s talk about love as St. John Paul II understood it in his brilliant “Theology of ...
Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe, for couples struggling with infertility, miscarriage and infant loss, sign up to receive the novena reminder in a daily email or text ...
VATICAN CITY — Not every Christian is called to be an apostle, prophet or evangelist, Pope Francis said, but all Christians can cultivate the fruits of the Holy Spirit by becoming “charitable, patient ...
The legacy of a Catholic Mary Washington College alumna (now University of Mary Washington) in Fredericksburg continues to ...