Town Meeting banned the use of expanded polystyrene foam (EPS), commonly known as Styrofoam, in Falmouth back in 2018. That ...
Catherine Marie McCarthy of Falmouth, who leaves family in Pocasset and Falmouth, died in her home on December 1 following a ...
I took exception to the implication in Peter Clark’s letter of last week that parents who are speaking out against the ...
Barnstable County Sheriff Donna Buckley said that within a week of Donald Trump’s reelection, she was asked to resume 287(g) activities with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
At 8:29 PM a shoplifting incident at Walmart was reported to police. The suspect, Peter Polachi, 33, of Boston, had an outstanding warrant and was arrested. Bail was set at $200. Mr. Polachi was later ...
I live at 323 Hatchville Road, across Pickerel Pond from Coonamessett Farm. On Friday morning, November 29, while getting ready to go for a walk, I heard two very loud ...
The Mashpee Conservation Department has scheduled free naturalist-guided tours of conservation areas in town, many designed for families.
In regard to the fire station doors, one word stands out to me that should never be used in any public building, and that is “custom.” ...
Falmouth welcomes the holiday season this weekend with the Falmouth Holidays By The Sea with events running throughout ...
Since its inception and implementation in 1991, our local government has survived based on its volunteers. A complex, ...
Most of us plan for the big events in our life such as holiday celebrations, birthdays and anniversaries, vacations and even ...
I am writing in regards to last Friday’s front page article, “Concerns Raised About Possible Procurement Law Violation.” We ...