Donald Trump began the first part of his speech to Congress by committing a sacrilege: he demoted the first American ...
The world's largest iceberg, A23a, has stopped about 70 kilometers from South Georgia Island, an isolated region of ...
Donald Trump's statements to US congressmen have sparked numerous international reactions, with the first official responses ...
L1, has made detailed observations of a powerful solar flare, marking a significant moment in the study of solar activity.
President Trump's speech was marked by strong statements, but fact-checking reveals significant discrepancies between his ...
Donald Trump's State of the Union address was also a cynical exercise in emotional manipulation, in which individual ...
A network of cybercriminals managed to steal and illegally resell more than 900 digital tickets for Taylor Swift concerts and ...
BabeÅŸ-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (UBB) reconfirms its leading position in the field of academic research in Romania, ...
China steps up incentives to support domestic consumptionLin Jian, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, expressed ...
Guvernul britanic a anunţat semnarea unui contract pentru furnizarea către armata ucraineană de drone de atac avansate, ...
PreÅŸedintele Donald Trump a declarat joi că amână cu o lună, până la 2 aprilie, aplicarea tarifelor vamale de 25% pentru ...
PreÅŸedintele interimar al României, Ilie Bolojan, s-a întâlnit joi cu Roberta Metsola, preÅŸedintele Parlamentului European, ...