) القاهرة - 2 - 12 (كونا) -- أكد وزير الخارجية المصري بدر عبد العاطي اليوم الاثنين أهمية دعم المجتمع الدولي الجهود المتواصلة لنفاذ المساعدات الا ...
خبرني - قال أمين عمان الكبرى الدكتور يوسف الشواربة خلال زيارته موقع المحطة اليوم، إن امانة عمان ستنهي اليوم أعمال ازالة الاعتداءات في الموقع وذلك ...
"Modern Agriculture operates in synergy with Economy and renewable energy projects. Infortar has experience in these fields and continues to invest in domestic green gas," noted Ain Hanschmidt, ...
ترأس عبدالله بن عادل فخرو وزير الصناعة والتجارة، وفد مملكة البحرين المشارك في أعمال النسخة التاسعة والعشرين لقمة الشراكة 2024 ...
قال الكاتب والصحفي عمر كلّاب إن نقاشات النواب للبيان الوزاري تقليدية وخدمية دون جديد.Radio Al-Balad 92.5 راديو البلد · عمر ...
Asia-Pacific markets traded mostly higher on Monday as the region kick-started a data-heavy week, with investors focused on ...
Angela Merkel reveals that Germany was fully aware of the U.S.'s desire to halt the Nord Stream project, which the U.S.
Nicolas Lerner, head of the French Foreign Intelligence Service, warned on Friday that Iran could acquire a nuclear weapon within months, describing ...
His Highness the Prime Minister sheikh Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah received at Bayan Palace on Monday, BlackRock Chairman and ...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has signed a controversial law raising taxes to help manage the country’s growing budget deficit. The law, whi ...
Ukraine under President Zelensky is far from being a free country, with Political opposition severely repressed and its ...
Recent clashes in northern Syria have intensified, marking the most violent fighting since the March 2020 ceasefire, which was negotiated with the in ...