As per SEBI’s order, the market regulator received a complaint which alleged that the objects of Trafiksol’s IPO included purchase of software valued at nearly Rs 18 crore from a vendor which, inter ...
Sebi whole-time member Ananth Narayan G also said that Sebi will be launching a pan-India survey on how to bring more people into the capital market ecosystem. How to make them risk aware. And also, ...
Mishtann Foods shares hit the lower circuit for the fourth consecutive session on SEBI’s fraud-related ban. The company has ...
India's robust domestic mutual funds inflow have had a stabilising impact on the equity markets, but India needs to ensure that it remains an attractive destination for foreign capital, in order to ...
SEBI expands T+0 settlement cycle to top 500 stocks, impacting broker profits and liquidity concerns for investors.
The rise of retail investors in financial markets has sustained the capital formation cycle in India, said Ananth Narayan G, Whole-Time Member of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).
Foreign portfolio investors' participation in the Indian equity and derivative markets is increasing on a daily basis while new Indian investors from tier-3 and tier-4 cities are set to create a ...
In a circular, the markets regulator announced that T+0 settlement option would commence from January 31, 2025.
Travel Food Services plans a ₹2,000 crore IPO with a diverse F&B portfolio across airports in India and Malaysia.
Sebi has expanded the optional T+0 (same day) settlement in the equity cash market to the top 500 scrips by market ...
The markets regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) wants to leverage the a government-backed digital ...