A renowned psychologist Emma Kenny is set to delve into the world of 'Killer Cults'. Emma Kenny will host the show at Swan Theatre on Saturday, March 15. Attendees will hear chilling tales of infamous ...
Irrespective of what religion the recipients practised, the Temple of the Tooth offered scholarships to 2000 students who had ...
Sometimes creating a Dungeons & Dragons adventure can be difficult. Those struggling should try these amazing pre-made ...
If you're confused where to travel this year, UNESCO World Heritage sites could be your destination. There are 43 sites in ...
Jordan Vilchez, who grew up in California and was moved into the Peoples Temple commune at age 14, said in a phone interview from the U.S. that she has mixed feelings about the tour. "I just ...
Jordan Vilchez, who grew up in California and was moved into the Peoples Temple commune at age 14, told The Associated Press in a phone interview from the U.S. that she has mixed feelings about ...