Changes in speech patterns may indicate that mild cognitive impairment is worsening to Alzheimer's disease, according to a ...
Dr. Heidi Schwarzwald, Chief Medical Officer at Signify Health, discusses the undiagnosed prevalence of mild cognitive ...
South Korean startup InTheTech introduces EYAS, a digital cognitive rehabilitation solution for mild cognitive impairment and ...
Living in disadvantaged neighborhoods is associated with higher blood pressure and lower cognitive performance, even in ...
Several community-wide social and environmental factors are associated with the onset of mild cognitive impairment in older adults.
New research from Wake Forest University School of Medicine suggests that living in a disadvantaged neighborhood is ...
In comparing social cognitive skills of individuals with varying degrees of cognitive impairment, those with dementia exhibited significant deficits.
BrainSee is designed to predict the likelihood of progression from MCI to Alzheimer’s dementia within 5 years, allowing ...
I suddenly wore two hats — that of a retired physician who had cared for people with Alzheimer’s disease and now a person ...
Dr Daniel Gibbs, 74, from Portland, Oregon, USA, was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease nine years ago after realising he ...
"Our goal of the study was to analyze the relationship of neighborhood disadvantage with measures of cardiometabolic health and cognition in individuals with and without diagnosed mild cognitive ...
Explore the latest research highlighting the symptom burden in Alzheimer’s disease, mild cognitive impairment, and dementia ...