The Airports Company South Africa (Acsa) says the industry has secured enough supply for Johannesburg's OR Tambo International Airport (Ortia) for January and is collaborating ...
Die Swapo-veteraan Jerry Ekandjo, wat aan die voorpunt was van versoeke dat selfdegeslaghuwelike nooit in Namibië gewettig moet word nie, het groot vreugde uitgespreek ...
Die uittredende president van die Verenigde State van Amerika (VSS), Joe Biden, het verlede week, dae voordat die aangewese president Donald Trump leierskap van die VSA ...
Die Rundu-aktivis Frans Moyo het kommer uitgespreek oor die dorpsraad se pogings om die dorp se voortslepende waterkrisis op te los, wat tot dusver geen resultate opgelewer ...
Northern-based Premier League side Eeshoke Chula Chula have set their sights on finishing the first round of the premiership season in the top six of the table. Coach John ...
Namibia is set to welcome a new sports, youth and national service minister after 21 March following last year’s disputed elections, as the current minister, Agnes ...
Hoofredaksie – Die ondersoek ná Saterdag se gewapende rooftog by Namdia, die regering se diamantbemarkings- en verkoopsmaatskappy, het uitgebrei om te bepaal of Max Endjala ...
The export of copper and uranium in Namibia has exceeded the billion-dollar threshold, with copper exports rising by N$1.3 billion and uranium exports increasing by N$1.1 ...
U.S. e-commerce giant opened on Thursday a walk-in centre in South Africa that it says will help its independent sellers attract more customers and expand ...
Die polisie in die Oshikotostreek ondersoek ’n geval van brandstigting nadat ’n 27-jarige man na bewering ’n sinkhuis in die Akoonde-nedersetting aan die brand gesteek ...
Fifty-year-old Mazda South Africa has reaffirmed its commitment to the country, saying it is here to stay. Responding to rumours circulating in the automotive sector that the ...
A policymaker at South Africa’s central bank downplayed the potential impact of the rand’s recent weakness on inflation, in remarks ahead of its rate-setting meeting later ...