A spate of drills by China’s military in the Indo-Pacific is testing the Trump administration’s commitment to regional ...
Sinocyclocheilus xingrenensis, or the Xingren golden-lined fish, has a “golden yellow” body with a “slightly translucent ...
In a bid to exert its influence in its maritime neighbourhood, at least 221 naval deployments reached the ports of 18 ...
Whatever happens in the near term, it is obvious that there is a serious arms race occurring for dominance in the South China Sea.
China’s assertion of power in the South China Sea has been a gradual yet systematic process. From building military outposts on artificial islands to deploying its vast maritime militia, Beijing has ...
France, Australia, Japan, Canada, New Zealand—following Washington’s lead—have each staged war games or concluded alliances ...
The revisions require the PLA to make winning battles its top responsibility and to be prepared for more overseas missions.
Despite rising maritime tensions with China, the Philippines is keeping the door open for possible joint oil and gas ...
United States Ambassador MaryKay Carlson joined top Philippine officials in a tour of the South China Sea and West Philippine ...
Four Chinese nationals accused by the Philippines of espionage led Chinese Communist Party-affiliated groups that made ...
India is forming a consortium of state-owned companies to develop and operate ports overseas, responding to China's global ...