Around the world, here are the channels you can watch Newcastle v Fulham Live TV. The global TV listings are featured below for local (to you) coverage on Saturday (3pm (UK) kick-off). Eddie Howe and ...
Around the world, here are the channels you can watch Newcastle v Bournemouth Live TV. The global TV listings are featured below for local (to you) coverage on Saturday (12.30pm (UK) kick-off).
she comes from a football family – her dad is the Liverpool legend Sir Kenny Dalglish – and she also started out on Sky Sports News before reporting and presenting jobs with Setanta ...
Cates has experience in a variety of other broadcasting roles, including presenting for Setanta Sports and ESPN, reporting for ITV at the 2010 World Cup and being part of Channel 4's 2012 ...
Cates has experience in a variety of other broadcasting roles, including presenting for Setanta Sports and ESPN, reporting for ITV at the 2010 World Cup and being part of Channel 4’s 2012 ...
In 2007 she joined Setanta Sports, where she worked alongside Cates. The pair were colleagues for several years, and grew close after transitioning to ESPN together following Setanta's demise in 2009.