HIV/AIDS continues to disproportionately affect Black Americans, despite overall progress in reducing infection rates.
Promising results from an early-stage trial suggest that lenacapavir injections might offer long-lasting protection.
Sex Workers, MSM, and Transgender Persons: Disruption in access to PrEP services, reduced capacity for HIV prevention services, , reduced availability of HIV counselling and testing, and disruption in ...
Nearly half of all new cases in 2022 were in the South. "The frustrating part is we have the tools now to stop it." ...
After the US slashed global aid, the South African government stated that only 17% of its HIV spending relied on US funding. But some experts argue that US health initiatives had more bang for buck ...
HIV self-testing remains underutilized among not only the general public, but especially people who use drugs.
Federal datasets began disappearing from public view on Jan 31, in response to executive orders from President Donald Trump.
Unlike President Trump's picks to lead other health agencies who established their conservative bona fides during the ...
Primarily a grantmaking agency with an $8 billion budget, SAMHSA channels funds and training that the federal government ...
Disparities in HIV diagnosis rates were observed between Black and White individuals in the US from 2017 to 2021.
The Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections 2025 opened with a session dedicated to informing attendees about ...
Debates over tuberculosis reporting began in the late 19th century, when the bacterial infection was reframed not as a disease of the elite but of the urban poor. New York City was the first in the ...