Socialite Perle Mesta used her fortune to host inclusive dinner parties in Washington, D.C., becoming one of the most famous ...
Monday’s change of Oval Office occupants is a ritual full of traditions and customs. One of the more modern ones began in 1989, when Ronald Reagan left a note for George H.W. Bush on stationery with a ...
Columnist Charita Goshay writes that an effective American presidency embraces character and a sense of servant-leadership.
On the eve of Trump’s second inaugural address, Americans wonder whether he will follow the path of Jefferson and Lincoln ...
Revisiting Dwight Eisenhower’s 1953 inauguration, from the vantage point of George W. Bush’s 2001 inauguration.
“With malice toward none, with charity for all,” even after four years of horrific war.
An introspective Pope Francis has divulged some of the behind-the-scenes dynamics of the secret 2013 conclave that elected ...