A judge ordered a pair of landlords to pay $80,000 to tenants they had threatened to call immigration enforcement on amid a ...
A family-owned farm in the south suburbs of Chicago has announced that funding for a grant it received last October has been ...
A 28-year-old woman has died the day after she was struck by a Cook County Sheriff’s Office vehicle in suburban Glenview.
A Chicago man who spent nearly three decades in prison after being convicted of murder as a teenager was fully exonerated by ...
Seven witnesses helped identify a man, Gregory Boyd, who they said fit the description of Walker’s killer, the suit said.
Members of the Indiana House of Representatives have proposed a bill to establish the Indiana-Illinois Boundary Adjustment ...
The Supreme Court ruled in May 2023 that tax sales as they've been practiced in several states unconstitutionally rob ...
Twenty years ago the ponds of Izaak Walton Forest Preserve in southern Cook County looked very different. Clean and clear, ...
Adding an auction step could make tax-delinquent properties more expensive, but homeowners would receive excess proceeds.
A homicide investigation is underway after a 23-year-old man and a 27-year-old woman were killed Sunday in Markham, Illinois State Police said.