Brave New World features quite a few shocking moments and reveals, and some of them provide teases for the MCU's future ...
This summary of the 2008 film The Incredible Hulk, which starred Edward Norton as Bruce Banner, Tim Blake Nelson as Samuel ...
Anthony Mackie, who joined the MCU more than a decade ago in 2014’s “Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” has been a good ...
Wolverine. Cable. Deadpool. Chamber. Thunderbird. Alone, they are formidable and some of the most dangerous Mutants on ...
Why is The Leader a less than brilliant mastermind? Why is Red Hulk so much like Green Hulk? We break down these and other WTF questions after seeing Captain America: Brave New World.
From packing leg warmers and avoiding the ever-crowded Match Factory party, the Canadian auteur offers his dos and don’ts for ...
Disclaimer: This review reflects the author’s opinion, based on established MCU canon and speculations drawn from official media.