The Pentagon rescinded a Biden administration policy that reimbursed service members for travel to obtain abortions and other ...
Texas already has one of the strictest abortion bans in the country. Anti-abortion advocates are working to close the ...
Around 4,000 anti-abortion demonstrators marched to the Capitol in Austin Saturday to celebrate the movement’s long-fought ...
This week, top Republican leaders expressed a desire to to amend the state's strict abortion laws to clarify when doctors can ...
Patrick is the first major Republican official in Texas to say he supports clarifying the state's near-total abortion ban ...
Amanda Zurawski, who nearly died after being denied an abortion, has been fighting to clarify the medical exception to Texas ...
“I think it’s clear, but I’m also open to the idea that some doctors don’t see it that way, some hospitals don’t think that ...
It's part of the annual Texas Rally for Life, which falls on the week of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion; however, that has since been overturned, and Texas now has a ...
But there’s a big problem with the report. The data is old. Pre-abortion-ban old. It looks at deaths in 2020, before Texas’ near-total abortion ban took effect in 2022.