The PAC-MANN test was able to differentiate — 98% of the time — between the blood of someone with pancreatic cancer and the blood of someone who doesn’t have the disease. When used alongside the existing CA 19-9 test, it was able to diagnose early-stage pancreatic cancer with 85% accuracy.
Friends, family, and the Cathedral Prep community gathered at the Hagerty Family Events Center to honor the legendary Pat Czytuck—many students referred to him as Coach Czy—as he battles stage 4 pancreatic cancer.
After realizing that a stronger support system would have helped me emotionally and spiritually in my cancer journey, I committed myself to being there for my cousin.
Turner was seen in the Capitol hallways on the day he died and had posted on social media ahead of President Trump’s address to the nation.
Pancreatic cancer remains one of the most challenging tumors to treat, partly because it is often discovered at advanced stages when the disease has already spread, or metastasized.