Ecopetrol’s president, Ricardo Roa, confirmed that the Colombian state-owned company would not conduct any business with Venezuela as long as US Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) prohibitions were in effect.
Venezuela's Bolivarian regime Monday reopened the borders with Colombia and Brazil it had closed ahead of Friday's inauguration of Nicolás Maduro as President for a third consecutive six-year term.
In La Guajira, Colombia, the Wayuu people face worsening climate impacts, with droughts and intense rains causing food insecurity, flooding, and displacement
A growing number of Latin American migrants who have given up hope of reaching the United States are returning to their home countries in South America through a sea route in Panama, which poses new risks,
Rocío said she left her home in Venezuela because she could not buy food for her four daughters and herself. She emigrated to Colombia, hoping to find work as a hairdresser and send money to her ...
Back, a senior majoring in journalism and minoring in political science, initially approached the CFD with the idea of covering the Venezuelan displacement crisis through a photojournalistic piece and said she wanted to capture the lives of migrants through the objects they were carrying.