With the official introduction of adamantium in the MCU, we compare the important X-Men metal to Wakanda's vibranium.
The introduction of adamantium in the MCU anticipates a technological war between Wakanda's vibranium and the rest of the world.
During a crucial presentation to world leaders, Ross emphasizes how adamantium surpasses Vibranium in strength while pointedly noting that it won’t be controlled by “an isolationist nation.” ...
That metal is adamantium, which President Ross describes as more versatile and powerful than even vibranium, the element that makes Wakanda so special. Ross almost didn’t need to state out loud ...
Ross describes Adamantium as the strongest and most versatile metal in the world, even more valuable than Vibranium, the metal that makes Black Panther’s Wakanda such a magical place.
Adamantium is part of the comic book-y, 'fun first' science found in the long-running universe. From vibranium to recurring alien threats, the vast Marvel Cinematic Universe takes many elements ...
One aspect Ross highlights about Adamantium in the MCU is that, unlike Vibranium, it isn’t sole property of a single, isolationist nation. Huge burn on Wakanda, and incidentally the most ...