Rayner approved plans to flatten and rebuild the retail giant's Marble Arch store in Oxford Street. M&S previously took legal ...
Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner has approved the proposals for the central London shop after a three-year planning row.
Housing Secretary Angela Rayner ruled on Thursday that the plans can go ahead, ending a three-year planning battle over the ...
Marks & Spencer has won its years-long battle to demolish and rebuild its Oxford Street shop by Marble Arch after Angela ...
The four year planning row has become a test case in the argument about whether ageing buildings should be bulldozed or ...
A new Channel 5 documentary, The Oxford Street Christmas Lights: Then & Now, is sprinkled with pub-worthy trivia. Did you ...
Filming on a major Oxford street will see parking suspended for three days. Oxfordshire County Council signs have been erected on Cowley Road warning locals that filming is set to take place in the ...
It’s the saga that seems like it’s never going to be resolved: the Marble Arch M&S flagship. M&S bosses, the government and ...
Marks and Spencer will be able to bulldoze and rebuild its Oxford Street store after Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner ...
Orchard House, the building M&S will demolish, was constructed in the late 1920s on the Marble Arch end of Oxford Street. M&S ...
Marks & Spencer has been given the go-ahead to demolish its flagship store at Marble Arch, following a fierce three-year ...
Communities secretary Angela Rayner has approved the controversial demolition of M&S’s flagship 1920s store on Oxford Street ...